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Installing with pip

To install, run pip install exe-kg-lib.

Installing from source code

Step 0: poetry

This project is managed by poetry, a Python packaging and dependency management tool. This means, however, that poetry needs to be installed before you can install this project. To be honest, the official poetry installation docs are great and provide different ways to install poetry on different platforms and under different conditions.

However, as some people are lazy, below you can find a few ways to install poetry. As mentioned above:

If your required / desired way of installation is not listed, go to the official installation docs before ranting! 🙏


curl -sSL | python3 -

and follow the instructions. Finally, consider adding poetry's installation path to your environment PATH (or similar), e.g. via

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin

for poetry's default installation path.

If you really need to go through conda (I know in some cases that's the only option), try this:

conda activate some-environment
conda install pip
pip install pipx
pipx install poetry
conda deactivate

Step 1: Dependency Installation

The installation of the project's dependencies should be piece of 🍰 in most cases by running

poetry install

from within the project directory.

No project development intended?

If you don't need any development setup, you can pass the --no-dev flag to skip the development dependencies.

Computer says no…

In some cases, this does not work right away. Please find a collection of failure cases below (thanks for the feedback! ❤)

What? Hint
"I get a ConnectionError" Maybe you have proxy issues.
"I destroyed my poetry environment" Delete the .venv folder and create a new env.

Step 2: Pre-commit Git Hooks Installation

To ensure compatibility of each future commit with the project's conventions (e.g. code format), some predefined git hooks should be installed by running the following commands.

poetry shell  # use the created poetry environment
pre-commit install

Last update: May 22, 2023