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Documentation of exe_kg_lib.classes.tasks package


This package contains classes that correspond to entities of type owl:class that are rdfs:subClassOf AtomicTask in the KG.

They implement the abstract run_method() like so:

  1. The input is taken either from outputs of previously executed Tasks (parameter: other_task_output_dict) or a dataframe (parameter: input_data).
  2. An algorithm is executed using the input.

There are two conventions: - The algorithm is related to ML, Statistics or Visualization, depending on the Python file's prefix. - The algorithm's implementation is placed in utils.task_utils package in the Python file with the corresponding prefix. 3. The output is returned as a dictionary with pairs of output name and value.

Naming conventions

  • Each class name is a concatenation of 2 strings:

    1. The name of an owl:class that is rdfs:subClassOf AtomicTask.
    2. The name of an owl:class that is rdfs:subClassOf AtomicMethod and is associated with the above owl:class via a property that is rdfs:subPropertyOf hasMethod.

    For example, the below KG property associates CanvasMethod with CanvasTask. So, the corresponding class name will be CanvasTaskCanvasMethod.

        a                  owl:ObjectProperty ;
        rdfs:domain        visu:CanvasTask ;
        rdfs:range         visu:CanvasMethod ;
        rdfs:subPropertyOf ds:hasMethod .

  • The class fields that contain _ are the snake-case conversions of the equivalent camel-case property names in the KG.

e.g. has_split_ratio field corresponds to hasSplitRatio property in the KG.

The above conventions are necessary for automatically mapping KG tasks with methods and properties to Python objects while parsing the KG.

Last update: January 7, 2023