Workspace Basics#

A workspace is a folder that contains all the information and data needed for your processing. Catharsys provides a number of actions that are configured by configuration projects in your workspace. Each configuration project contains at least a launch configuration file, that specifies the actions that can be executed, like rendering, image post-processing, etc.

Folder Structure#

A workspace folder must have a specific structure, to be regarded as a workspace by the Catharsys tools:

[workspace folder]

  • package.json

  • config

    • [config project 1]

      • launch[.json, .json5, .ison]

    • [config project 2]

      • launch[.json, .json5, .ison]

    • […]

For example, a workspace with the name myws and configuration projects trial-01 and trial-02 has the minimal structure:


  • package.json

  • config

    • trial-01

      • launch.json5

    • trial-02

      • launch.json5

Generated Folders#

Catharsys will automatically generate some folders, depending on what you do in the workspace. The generated folders typically are:

  • _render: contains all data generated by the Blender render actions and the render post-processing actions.

  • _output: contains generated configurations for debugging and automatically generated HTML contact sheets of the generated image data.

  • .catharsys: contains terminal initialization scripts for each conda environment the workspace has been initialized for VS Code (cathy code init).

  • _blender: every configuration that is initialized for Blender contains one of these folders. They contain the user preferences and symbolic links to the used Blender addons. When Blender is started with cathy blender show -c [config] or when launching an action, it uses the preferences stored in this folder, instead of the default user folder.


A naming convention in Catharsys is, that all folder names starting with an underscore (’_’) only contain generated data. That is, in principle you can safely delete these folders as their contents can be generate by a Catharsys action. This is in contrast to folders starting with a dot (’.’), which contain configurations files and are typically hidden on Linux systems.

The .gitignore file#

If you are managing a workspace with git, make sure that the .gitignore file contains some standard values, to avoid storing all the data generated from the workspace. A minimal .gitignore file should look like this:

.catharsys .code-workspace _blender _render output pycache *.pyc *.blend1 action-job-config

The package file#

The package file defines some fundamental properties for the whole workspace. Here is an example,

    "sDTI": "/package/catharsys/workspace:3.0",
    "sName": "Simple",
    "sVersion": "1.0.1",
    "sCatharsysVersion": "3.0"

The elements have the following meaning:


The type identifier of the package file data structure


The name of the workspace


The version of the workspace


The Catharsys version this workspace has been developed for

Configuration Conventions#

Currently, all configurations in Catharsys are given in JSON files. Each JSON file basically defines a data structure. To enable the configuration processing to check whether a given JSON file is of the correct data type, the Data Type Information string is included for all relevant dictionaries ({}). This string is referenced by the key sDTI. The lower case s stands for string and hints to the data type of the element.

The DTI string consists of a hierarchical type name and a two element version, for example /package/catharsys/workspace:3.0. All actions, Blender modifiers and generators are referenced by such a DTI string. The version numbers have the following meaning:

  • A configuration with version X.Y is backward compatible to all configuration with version X.Z, where Z < Y.

  • Configurations with different major versions are in general incompatible.

For example, a configuration version 1.1 may introduce additional parameters, but all parameters of version 1.0 are still valid and have the same meaning. Therefore, a function that is written to process version 1.1 can also process version 1.0 files, but not vice versa.

All pre-defined Catharsys configuration elements follow the convention that their name starts with a lower case letter identifying the element data type:

First letter

Data Type















[any type]


You do not need to follow this convention when defining your own variables, but it can be helpful for others reading your configuration to immediately understand what data type to expect.

Initializing Workspace#

To initialize your workspace for use with VS-Code, run the following command inside the workspace folder and make sure you are in the Anaconda environment you want to use for the workspace.


cathy code init

This creates a workspace file, which you should use when working with VS-Code. The workspace file defines a shell that automatically loads the correct Anaconda environment.

To initialize a workspace configuration project for Blender rendering use the command,


cathy blender init -c [configuration project name] --addons

In the above example, the configuration project name could be trial-01 or trial-02. If you run the command without the --addons flag, it will check whether the Catharsys modules are installed in Blender and install them when needed. This can be useful, when you updated to a newer Catharsys version. But this only needs to be done once, independent of the configuration. To initialize all configurations at once, use the command,


cathy blender init --all --addons

What’s next#

Now have a look at the most basic configuration: just render.