Generative AI Action#


This catharsys plugin adds functionality for using generative models to enhance or create new synthetic data based on renderings from catharsys.

Currently, the following methods are available:

  • Takuma’s Multi Control net for diffusers

  • (Control Net Nightly, deprecated)

Since the dependencies of the methods differ from each other and from catharsys, for each method a separate and new conda environment has to be created. To do so, call the respective scripts.

Install the Action#

To use the generative actions, you need to install them into your Catharsys workspace. If you have a development installation change into the image-render-generative folder and execute the command pip install -e .. Otherwise, execute pip install . from within the folder. Now the actions are available from Catharsys configurations.

Takuma Multi Control Net#

This model is based on the implementation of github user takuma104:

This implementation is a fork of the popular python package diffusers. To setup the conda environment, download and install the repository and download all the needed model files, simply call

bash scripts/

Under Windows you can use the PowerShell script


Note that the PowerShell script contains specific version numbers of the various modules that are needed to make everything work.

This also downloads additional networks into the ./models folder with git lfs. Make sure git lfs is available before calling the script. Also, consider to remove the .git folder in the models folder to save. Also you can directly point to a different location in your catharsys config files.

However, we suggest to perform the steps manually one after another and also store the additional model files not directly in this module, but at a central location and reuse it from there.

To use takumas multi control net, you need to first add a pose painting step to your actions and then add the generative step.

Create open pose images by paint pose action#

To add pose painting to your config, add the following in the respective files:


// ...
paint_pose: {
    sDTI: "manifest/action:1",
    lConfigs: [
        { sId: "paint_pose_config", sDTI: "/catharsys/generative/paint_pose_data:1", sForm: "file/json", bAddToPath: false }
    lDeps: [ "label" ] // <- this should be the name of the action you use for  labeling
// ...


// ...
mConfigs: {
    paint_pose_config: [ "../generative/openpose"],
// ...


// ...
"paint_pose": {
    sDTI: "/catharsys/launch/action:1.0",
    sActionDTI: "/catharsys/action/generative/paint_pose:1.0",
    mConfig: {
        sDTI: "/catharsys/launch/args:1.1",
        sInfo: "Create an open pose pose image for processing with multi control nets",
        sExecFile: "../exec/py_std_v1",
        iConfigGroups: 1,
        iFrameGroups: 1
// ...

INPORTANT: Copy the file openpose.json5 from the examples folder from this repository to generative/openpose.json5 in your config.

Finally, you can call the action to generate the pose image needed by the multi control net:

cathy ws launch -c config/your_workspace -a paint_pose

Add control net action to your catharsys config#

For using Takuma’s control net, you now have to add the following parts to your config files.


// ...
generative: {
    sDTI: "manifest/action:1",
    lConfigs: [
        { sId: "cnet_model", sDTI: "/catharsys/generative/model-id:1", sForm: "value", bAddToPath: true },
        { sId: "cnet_config", sDTI: "/catharsys/generative/data:1", sForm: "file/json", bAddToPath: true  }
    lDeps: [ "render/std" ] // <- this should be your standard render action
// ...


// ...
mConfigs: {
    // ...
    cnet_model: ["Takuma-Diffusers"],
    cnet_config: ["generative/example" ],
    // ...
// ...


"generative": {
    sDTI: "/catharsys/launch/action:1.0",
    sActionDTI: "/catharsys/action/generative/apply:1.0",
    mConfig: {
        sDTI: "/catharsys/launch/args:1.1",
        sInfo: "Perform generative action using control net.",
        // sExecFile: "../exec/py_lsf_v1", // <- use this when using lsf
        sExecFile: "../exec/py_std_v1",
        iConfigGroups: 1,
        iFrameGroups: 1

Finally, you need a config file generative/example.json5. Here, several control nets are added as examples. Use the ones you are interested in:

    sDTI: "/catharsys/generative/data:1",

    __locals__: {
        sModelPath: "/path/to/your/models" // <- add here the path to the models folder

    mInputs: {
        // here, all relative path to the outputs of previous results should be added
        // these will be referenced in the sInput to the control nets below
        Depth: "Depth",
        OpenPose: "AT_Label/asp_skeleton/PoseImage",
        SemSeg: "AT_Label/semseg_only/Preview"


    mConfig: {
        mParams: {
            pretrained_model_name_or_path: "${sModelPath}/stable-diffusion-v1-5",
            local_files_only: true,
        mControlNets: {
            Depth: {
                // these parameters are directly passed to from_pretrained
                mParams: {
                    pretrained_model_name_or_path: "${sModelPath}/sd-controlnet-depth",
                    local_files_only: true,
                fWeight: 0.6,
                sInput: "Depth",
                mPreprocess: [
            OpenPose: {
                mParams: {
                    pretrained_model_name_or_path: "${sModelPath}/control_v11p_sd15_openpose",
                    local_files_only: true,
                fWeight: 1.0,
                sInput: "OpenPose",
            SemSeg: {
                // these parameters are directly passed to from_pretrained
                mParams: {
                    pretrained_model_name_or_path: "${sModelPath}/control_v11p_sd15_seg",
                    local_files_only: true,
                fWeight: 0.75,
                sInput: "SemSeg",
        sPrompt: "men in black suits with ties and dark sunglasses (as in the film men in black or FBI agents)",
        sNegativePrompt: "bad quality, low res"

Now, you have everything to perform the generative action:

cathy ws launch -c config/your_workspace -a generative

Have fun!

Futher remarks#

Prompt engineering is the new art. For getting more realistic results, consider these sources:
