Source code for

import torch
import shapely.geometry as s_geo
import shapely.ops as s_ops

from ..domain import Domain, BoundaryDomain
from .parallelogram import Parallelogram
from ...spaces import Points

[docs] class ShapelyPolygon(Domain): """Class for polygons. Uses the shapely-package. Parameters ---------- space : Space The space in which this object lays. vertices : list of lists, optional The corners/vertices of the polygon. Can be eihter in clockwise or counter- clockwise order. shapely_polygon : shapely.geometry.Polygon, optional Instead of defining the corner points, it is also possible to give a already existing shapely.Polygon object. Note ---- This class can not be dependent on other variables. """ def __init__(self, space, vertices=None, shapely_polygon=None): assert space.dim == 2 super().__init__(space, dim=2) self.necessary_variables = self.set_necessary_variables() if isinstance(shapely_polygon, s_geo.Polygon): self.polygon = shapely_polygon elif vertices: if callable(vertices): TypeError("""Shapely-Polygons can not use functions as vertices.""") self.polygon = s_geo.Polygon(vertices) else: raise ValueError("""Needs either vertices or a shapely polygon as input""") self.polygon = s_geo.polygon.orient(self.polygon)
[docs] def __call__(self, **data): return self
def _contains(self, points, params=Points.empty()): if isinstance(points, Points): points = points.as_tensor inside = torch.zeros(len(points), 1) for i in range(len(points)): point = s_geo.Point(points[i]) inside[i] = self.polygon.contains(point) return inside
[docs] def bounding_box(self, device="cpu"): bounds = torch.tensor(self.polygon.bounds, device=device) bounds[[1, 2]] = bounds[[2, 1]] return bounds
def _get_volume(self, params=Points.empty(), device="cpu"): volume = self.polygon.area return torch.tensor(volume, device=device).reshape(-1, 1)
[docs] def sample_random_uniform( self, n=None, d=None, params=Points.empty(), device="cpu" ): n = self._compute_number_of_points(n, d, params) points = torch.empty((0, self.dim), device=device) big_t, biggest_area = None, 0 # instead of using a bounding box it is more efficient to triangulate # the polygon and sample in each triangle. for t in s_ops.triangulate(self.polygon): scaled_n = int(t.area / self.polygon.area * n) new_points = self._sample_in_triangulation(t, scaled_n, device) if new_points is not None: points =, new_points), dim=0) # remember the biggest triangle that was inside, if later # some additional points need to be added if t.within(self.polygon) and t.area > biggest_area: big_t = [t][0] biggest_area = t.area if len(points) == n: break points = self._check_enough_points_sampled(n, points, big_t, device) return Points(points,
def _sample_in_triangulation(self, t, n, device): (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), _ = t.exterior.coords corners = torch.tensor([[x0, y0], [x1, y1], [x2, y2]], device=device) if n > 0: new_points = self._random_points_in_triangle(n, corners, device) # when the polygon has holes or is non convex, it can happen # that the triangle is not completly in the polygon if not t.within(self.polygon): inside = self._contains(new_points) index = torch.where(inside)[0] new_points = new_points[index] return new_points return None def _random_points_in_triangle(self, n, corners, device): bary_coords = torch.rand((n, 2), device=device) # if a barycentric coordinates is bigger then 1, mirror them at the # point (0.5, 0.5). Stays uniform. index = torch.where(bary_coords.sum(axis=1) > 1)[0] bary_coords[index] = torch.subtract( torch.tensor([[1.0, 1.0]], device=device), bary_coords[index] ) axis_1 = torch.multiply(corners[1] - corners[0], bary_coords[:, :1]) axis_2 = torch.multiply(corners[2] - corners[0], bary_coords[:, 1:]) return torch.add(torch.add(corners[0], axis_1), axis_2) def _check_enough_points_sampled(self, n, points, big_t, device): # if not enough points are sampled, create some new points in the biggest # triangle while len(points) < n: new_points = self._sample_in_triangulation(big_t, n - len(points), device) points =, new_points), dim=0) return points
[docs] def sample_grid(self, n=None, d=None, params=Points.empty(), device="cpu"): n = self._compute_number_of_points(n, d, params) points = self._create_points_in_bounding_box(n, device) points = self._delete_outside(points) if not d: # if a number of points if specified we have to make sure # to sample the right amount of points points = self._grid_enough_points(n, points, device) return Points(points,
def _create_points_in_bounding_box(self, n, device): bounds = self.bounding_box(device=device) origin = bounds[[0, 2]] dir_1 = torch.tensor([[bounds[1] - bounds[0], 0]], device=device) dir_2 = torch.tensor([[0, bounds[3] - bounds[2]]], device=device) b_box_volume = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * (bounds[3] - bounds[2]) scaled_n = int(n * b_box_volume / self.polygon.area) b_box_grid = Parallelogram._compute_barycentric_grid( self, scaled_n, dir_1, dir_2, device ) points_in_dir_1 = b_box_grid[:, :1] * dir_1 points_in_dir_2 = b_box_grid[:, 1:] * dir_2 points = points_in_dir_1 + points_in_dir_2 + origin return points def _delete_outside(self, points): inside = self._contains(points) index = torch.where(inside)[0] return points[index] def _grid_enough_points(self, n, bary_coords, device): # if not enough points, add some random ones. points = bary_coords if len(bary_coords) < n: random_points = self.sample_random_uniform( n=(n - len(bary_coords)), device=device ) points =, random_points.as_tensor), dim=0) return points def _compute_number_of_points(self, n, d, params): if d: n = self.compute_n_from_density(d, params) num_of_params = self.len_of_params(params) n *= num_of_params return n
[docs] def outline(self, device="cpu"): """Creates a outline of the domain. Returns ------- list of list The vertices of the domain. Inner vertices are appended in there own list. """ cords = [torch.tensor(self.polygon.exterior.coords, device=device)] for i in self.polygon.interiors: cords.append(torch.tensor(i.coords, device=device)) return cords
@property def boundary(self): return ShapelyBoundary(self)
[docs] class ShapelyBoundary(BoundaryDomain): def __init__(self, domain): assert isinstance(domain, ShapelyPolygon) super().__init__(domain) outline = self.domain.outline() self.normal_list = self._compute_normals(outline) self.tol = 1.0e-06
[docs] def __call__(self, **data): return self
def _contains(self, points, params=Points.empty()): points = points.as_tensor on_bound = torch.empty(len(points), dtype=bool, device=points.device) for i in range(len(points)): point = s_geo.Point(points[i]) distance = self.domain.polygon.boundary.distance(point) on_bound[i] = abs(distance) <= self.tol return on_bound.reshape(-1, 1) def _get_volume(self, params=Points.empty(), device="cpu"): volume = self.domain.polygon.boundary.length return torch.tensor(volume, device=device).reshape(-1, 1)
[docs] def sample_random_uniform( self, n=None, d=None, params=Points.empty(), device="cpu" ): n = self.domain._compute_number_of_points(n, d, params) line_points = torch.rand(n, device=device) * self.domain.polygon.boundary.length return self._transform_points_to_boundary( n, torch.sort(line_points).values, device )
[docs] def sample_grid(self, n=None, d=None, params=Points.empty(), device="cpu"): n = self.domain._compute_number_of_points(n, d, params) line_points = torch.linspace( 0, self.domain.polygon.boundary.length, n + 1, device=device )[:-1] return self._transform_points_to_boundary(n, line_points, device)
def _transform_points_to_boundary(self, n, line_points, device): """Transform points that lay between 0 and polygon.boundary.length to the surface of this polygon. The points have to be ordered from smallest to biggest. """ outline = self.domain.outline(device=device) index = 0 current_length = 0 points = torch.zeros((n, 2), device=device) for boundary_part in outline: points, index, current_length = self._distribute_line_to_boundary( points, index, line_points, boundary_part, current_length ) return Points(points, def _distribute_line_to_boundary( self, points, index, line_points, corners, current_length ): corner_index = 0 side_length = torch.linalg.norm(corners[1] - corners[0]) while index < len(line_points): if line_points[index] <= current_length + side_length: point = self._translate_point_to_bondary( index, line_points, corners, current_length, corner_index, side_length, ) points[index] = point index += 1 else: corner_index += 1 current_length += side_length if corner_index >= len(corners) - 1: break side_length = torch.linalg.norm( corners[corner_index + 1] - corners[corner_index] ) return points, index, current_length def _translate_point_to_bondary( self, index, line_points, corners, current_length, corner_index, side_length ): coord = line_points[index] - current_length new_point = corners[corner_index] + coord / side_length * ( corners[corner_index + 1] - corners[corner_index] ) return new_point
[docs] def normal(self, points, params=Points.empty(), device="cpu"): points, params, device = self._transform_input_for_normals( points, params, device ) points = points.as_tensor outline = self.domain.outline(device=device) index = self._where_on_boundary(points, outline) return self.normal_list[index].to(device)
def _compute_normals(self, outline): face_number = sum([len(corners) for corners in outline]) normal_list = torch.zeros((face_number, 2)) index = 0 for corners in outline: for i in range(len(corners) - 1): normal = self._compute_local_normal_vector(corners[i + 1], corners[i]) normal_list[index] = normal index += 1 return normal_list def _compute_local_normal_vector(self, end_corner, start_corner): conect_vector = end_corner - start_corner side_length = torch.linalg.norm(conect_vector, dim=0) normal = torch.index_select(conect_vector, 0, torch.LongTensor([1, 0])) normal /= side_length normal[1] *= -1 return normal def _where_on_boundary(self, points, outline): index = -1 * torch.ones(len(points), dtype=int) counter = 0 for corners in outline: for i in range(len(corners) - 1): line = s_geo.LineString([corners[i], corners[i + 1]]) not_found = torch.where(index < 0)[0] for k in not_found: point = s_geo.Point(points[k]) distance = line.distance(point) if abs(distance) <= self.tol: index[k] = counter counter += 1 return index