
Submodules module

class, lower_bound, upper_bound)[source]

Bases: Domain

Creates a Interval of the form [a, b].

  • space (Space) – The space in which this object lays.

  • lower_bound (Number or callable) – The left/lower bound of the interval.

  • upper_bound (Number or callable) – The right/upper bound of the interval.


Evaluates the domain at the given data.

property boundary

Returns the boundary of this domain. Does not work on boundaries itself, e.g. Circle.boundary.boundary throws an error.


boundary – The boundary-object of the domain.

Return type:

property boundary_left

Returns only the left boundary value, useful for the definintion of inital conditions.

property boundary_right

Returns only the left boundary value, useful for the definintion of end conditions.

bounding_box(params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Computes the bounds of the domain.


A torch.Tensor with the length of 2*self.dim. It has the form [axis_1_min, axis_1_max, axis_2_min, axis_2_max, …], where min and max are the minimum and maximum value that the domain reaches in each dimension-axis.

Return type:


sample_grid(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Creates an equdistant grid in the domain.

  • n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.

  • d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.

  • params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.

  • device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.


A Points object containing the sampled points.

Return type:


sample_random_uniform(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Creates random uniformly distributed points in the domain.

  • n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.

  • d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.

  • params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.

  • device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.


A Points object containing the sampled points.

Return type:



Bases: BoundaryDomain

normal(points, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Computes the normal vector at each point in points.

  • points (torch.tensor or torchphysics.problem.Points) – Different points for which the normal vector should be computed. The points should lay on the boundary of the domain, to get correct results. E.g in 2D: points = Points(torch.tensor([[2, 4], [9, 6], ….]), R2(…))

  • params (dict or torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional parameters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.

  • device (str, optional) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.


The tensor is of the shape (len(points), self.dim) and contains the normal vector at each entry from points.

Return type:


sample_grid(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Creates an equdistant grid in the domain.

  • n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.

  • d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.

  • params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.

  • device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.


A Points object containing the sampled points.

Return type:


sample_random_uniform(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Creates random uniformly distributed points in the domain.

  • n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.

  • d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.

  • params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.

  • device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.


A Points object containing the sampled points.

Return type:


class, side, normal_vec=-1)[source]

Bases: BoundaryDomain


Evaluates the domain at the given data.

normal(points, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Computes the normal vector at each point in points.

  • points (torch.tensor or torchphysics.problem.Points) – Different points for which the normal vector should be computed. The points should lay on the boundary of the domain, to get correct results. E.g in 2D: points = Points(torch.tensor([[2, 4], [9, 6], ….]), R2(…))

  • params (dict or torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional parameters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.

  • device (str, optional) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.


The tensor is of the shape (len(points), self.dim) and contains the normal vector at each entry from points.

Return type:


sample_grid(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Creates an equdistant grid in the domain.

  • n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.

  • d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.

  • params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.

  • device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.


A Points object containing the sampled points.

Return type:


sample_random_uniform(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]

Creates random uniformly distributed points in the domain.

  • n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.

  • d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.

  • params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.

  • device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.


A Points object containing the sampled points.

Return type:
