Submodules module
- class, center, radius)[source]
Class for a sphere.
- Parameters:
space (Space) – The space in which this object lays.
center (array_like or callable) – The center of the sphere, e.g. center = [5, 0, 0].
radius (number or callable) – The radius of the sphere.
- property boundary
Returns the boundary of this domain. Does not work on boundaries itself, e.g. Circle.boundary.boundary throws an error.
- Returns:
boundary – The boundary-object of the domain.
- Return type:
- bounding_box(params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Computes the bounds of the domain.
- Returns:
A torch.Tensor with the length of 2*self.dim. It has the form [axis_1_min, axis_1_max, axis_2_min, axis_2_max, …], where min and max are the minimum and maximum value that the domain reaches in each dimension-axis.
- Return type:
- sample_grid(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Creates an equdistant grid in the domain.
- Parameters:
n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.
d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.
params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
A Points object containing the sampled points.
- Return type:
- sample_random_uniform(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Creates random uniformly distributed points in the domain.
- Parameters:
n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.
d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.
params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
A Points object containing the sampled points.
- Return type:
- class[source]
- normal(points, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Computes the normal vector at each point in points.
- Parameters:
points (torch.tensor or torchphysics.problem.Points) – Different points for which the normal vector should be computed. The points should lay on the boundary of the domain, to get correct results. E.g in 2D: points = Points(torch.tensor([[2, 4], [9, 6], ….]), R2(…))
params (dict or torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional parameters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str, optional) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
The tensor is of the shape (len(points), self.dim) and contains the normal vector at each entry from points.
- Return type:
- sample_grid(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Creates an equdistant grid in the domain.
- Parameters:
n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.
d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.
params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
A Points object containing the sampled points.
- Return type:
- sample_random_uniform(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Creates random uniformly distributed points in the domain.
- Parameters:
n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.
d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.
params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
A Points object containing the sampled points.
- Return type: module
- class[source]
- normal(points, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Computes the normal vector at each point in points.
- Parameters:
points (torch.tensor or torchphysics.problem.Points) – Different points for which the normal vector should be computed. The points should lay on the boundary of the domain, to get correct results. E.g in 2D: points = Points(torch.tensor([[2, 4], [9, 6], ….]), R2(…))
params (dict or torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional parameters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str, optional) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
The tensor is of the shape (len(points), self.dim) and contains the normal vector at each entry from points.
- Return type:
- sample_grid(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Creates an equdistant grid in the domain.
- Parameters:
n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.
d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.
params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
A Points object containing the sampled points.
- Return type:
- sample_random_uniform(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Creates random uniformly distributed points in the domain.
- Parameters:
n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.
d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.
params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
A Points object containing the sampled points.
- Return type:
- class, vertices=None, faces=None, file_name=None, file_type='stl', tol=1e-06)[source]
Class for polygons in 3D. Uses the trimesh-package.
- Parameters:
space (Space) – The space in which this object lays.
vertices (list of lists, optional) – The vertices of the polygon.
faces (list of lists, optional) – A list that contains which vetrices have to be connected to create the faces of the polygon. If for example the vertices 1, 2 and 3 have should be connected do: faces = [[1, 2, 3]]
file_name (str or file-like object, optional) – A data source to load a existing polygon/mesh.
file_type (str, optional) – The file type, e.g. ‘stl’. See trimesh.available_formats() for all supported file types.
tol (number, optional) – The error tolerance for checking if points at the boundary. And used for projections and slicing the mesh.
This class can not be dependent on other variables.
- property boundary
Returns the boundary of this domain. Does not work on boundaries itself, e.g. Circle.boundary.boundary throws an error.
- Returns:
boundary – The boundary-object of the domain.
- Return type:
- bounding_box(params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Computes the bounds of the domain.
- Returns:
A torch.Tensor with the length of 2*self.dim. It has the form [axis_1_min, axis_1_max, axis_2_min, axis_2_max, …], where min and max are the minimum and maximum value that the domain reaches in each dimension-axis.
- Return type:
- export_file(name_of_file)[source]
Exports the mesh to a file.
- Parameters:
name_of_file (str) – The name of the file.
- project_on_plane(new_space, plane_origin=[0, 0, 0], plane_normal=[0, 0, 1])[source]
Projects the polygon on a plane.
- Parameters:
new_space (Space) – The space in which the projected object should lay.
plane_origin (array_like, optional) – The origin of the projection plane.
plane_normal (array_like, optional) – The normal vector of the projection plane. It is enough if it points in the direction of normal vector, it does not norm = 1.
- Returns:
The polygon that is the outline of the projected original mesh on the plane.
- Return type:
- sample_grid(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Creates an equdistant grid in the domain.
- Parameters:
n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.
d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.
params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
A Points object containing the sampled points.
- Return type:
- sample_random_uniform(n=None, d=None, params=Points: {}, device='cpu')[source]
Creates random uniformly distributed points in the domain.
- Parameters:
n (int, optional) – The number of points that should be created.
d (float, optional) – The density of points that should be created, if n is not defined.
params (torchphysics.problem.Points, optional) – Additional paramters that are maybe needed to evaluate the domain.
device (str) – The device on which the points should be created. Default is ‘cpu’.
- Returns:
A Points object containing the sampled points.
- Return type:
- slice_with_plane(new_space, plane_origin=[0, 0, 0], plane_normal=[0, 0, 1])[source]
Slices the polygon with a plane.
- Parameters:
new_space (Space) – The space in which the projected object should lay.
plane_origin (array_like, optional) – The origin of the plane.
plane_normal (array_like, optional) – The normal vector of the projection plane. It is enough if it points in the direction of normal vector, it does not norm = 1.
- Returns:
The polygon that is the outline of the projected original mesh on the plane.
- Return type: