Info about the Solver and Training

For solving a differential equation and training the neural network, we use the library Pytorch Lightning. This lets us easily handles the training and validation loops and take care of the data loading/creation.

To see the solver class in action, we refer to the beginning example of the tutorial. There, the behavior of the TorchPhysics Solver is explained and shown. Here we rather want to mention some more details for the trainings process.

In general, most of the capabilities of Pytorch Lightning can also be used inside TorchPhysics. All possiblities can be checked in the Lightning documentation.

Given some TorchPhysics Solver, that already contains all information of our problem, the basic trainer is defined as follows:

import pytorch_lightning as pl

trainer = pl.Trainer(devices=1, accelerator="gpu",
                      max_steps=4000, check_val_every_n_epoch=10) # start training

Some important keywords are:

  • devices: The number of devices that should be used.

  • accelerator: On what kind of device the network will be trained. Usually, one needs at least one GPU to train a neural network sufficiently well. If only CPUs are available set "cpu". Depending on the operating system, the GPUs may have to be further specified beforehand via os.environ or other ways. There are more different possibilities to specify the used device, see the above-mentioned documentation.

  • max_steps: The maximum number of training iterations. In each iteration all defined training conditions will be evaluated (e.g. points sampled, model output computed, residuals evaluated, etc.) and a gradient descent step will be made.

  • check_val_every_n_epoch: Defines how often the validation data should be checked.

Logging Data

Using the above definition for the trainer will lead while training to the creation of a folder named lightning_logs inside the current directory. Inside this folder, data about the current training process is saved. In TorchPhysics this data includes the loss of each training condition, over the course of all iterations, and the total loss. (Here it is important to give each condition a unique name, or the data may be overwritten)

While the training is running, or afterwards, the loss can be monitored inside TensorBoard, if installed. For this, use inside a terminal:

tensorboard --logdir path_to_log_folder

Which will open a new window inside your browser to visualize the data. Some important keywords of the pl.Trainer regarding logging are:

  • logger: A TensorBoardLogger that defines the saving behavior. As default, a Logger with

the above mentioned aspects is used. Setting logger=False will disable logging. - log_every_n_steps: How often data should be saved.


Callbacks are an additional versatile option to monitor the training or apply custom logic, while training. For example, via Callbacks the learned solution can be plotted to TensorBoard or after every few steps the trained network can be saved. Different callbacks can be created via pytorch_lightning.callbacks. Already implemented callbacks in TorchPhysics are found under the torchphysics.utils section. A list of all created callbacks can then be passed to the trainer with the callbacks keyword.