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Base Configuration

The base configuration is supported by all scenarios. It consists of several namespaces, which are described in detail below.


The dataset namespace contains information about a dataset such as number of images, as well as the output directory where data will be written to.

# Specify how many images should be rendered
image_count = 5
# Depending on the rendering mode it is also possible to set scene 
# and camera view counts. Note that setting these values might affect
# the total number of rendered image and, in turn, image_count.
# As an example, if supported, setting scene_cout = 5, view_count = 5 in
# "multiview" render mode will result in image_count = 25 
scene_count = 
view_count =
# Specify the base path where data will be written to. Note that this is a base
# path, to which additional information will be added such as Scenario-Number
# and Camera-Name
base_path = $OUTDIR/WorkstationScenarios-Train
# specify the scene type
scene_type = WorkstationScenarios


Camera information is placed in the camera_info namespace. It contains settings for image width and height, as well as (optional) intrinsic camera information.

# In this section you specify the camera information, which will have a direct
# impact on rendering results.

# The width and height have an influence on the rendering resolution. In case
# you wish to set a specific calibration matrix that you obtained, for
# instance, from OpenCV, and do not wish to temper with the rendering
# resolution, then set these values to 0.
width = 640
height = 480

# The camera model to use. At the moment, this value is ignored in
# amira_blender_rendering. However, because all rendering is in fact done with a
# pinhole camera model, this value serves as documentation
model = pinhole

# Also this value has no impact on rendering likewise the model. However, if
# you want to specify a certain camera name for documentation purposes, this is
# the place.
name = Pinhole Camera

# You can specify the intrinsic calibration information that was determined for
# a camera, for instance with OpenCV.
# Here, we use the format
#   intrinsics = fx, fy, cx, cy
# Where the fx, fy values represented focal lengths, and cx, cy defines the
# camera's principal point.
# You can extract fx, fy, cx, cy from a calibration matrix K:
#         fx  s   cx
#    K =   0  fy  cy
#          0  0   1
# Note, however, that the values in your calibration matrix or intrinsics
# specification might not end up in proper render resolutions. For instance,
# this is the case in the example below, which would result in a rendering
# resolution of about 1320.98 x 728.08.  Blender will round these values to
# suitable integer values.  As a consequence, even if you set width and height
# above to 0, the effective intrinsics that blender uses might be slightly
# different from your K.
# To accomodate this 'issue', amira_blender_rendering will write a value
# 'effective_intrinsics' to the configuration as soon as setting up cameras and
# rendering is done. Recall that all configurations will be stored alongside the
# created dataset, so you can easily retrieve the effective_intrinsics in
# downstream applications
intrinsics = 9.9801747708520452e+02,9.9264009290521165e+02,6.6049856967197002e+02,3.6404286361152555e+02,0

# A default camera in blender with 0 rotation applied to its transform looks
# along the -Z direction. Blender's modelling viewport, however, assumes that
# the surface plane is spanned by X and Y, where X indicates left/right. This
# can be observed by putting the modelling viewport into the front viewpoint
# (Numpad 1). Then, the viewport looks along the Y direction.
# As a consequence, the relative rotation between a camera image and an object
# is only 0 when the camera would look onto the top of the object. Note that
# this is rather unintuitive, as most people would expect that the relative
# rotation is 0 when the camera looks at the front of an object.
# To accomodate for this, users can set their preferred 'zeroing' rotation 
# by using the following configuration parameter encoding rotations 
# around x, y and z-axis, respectively, in degrees.
# As an example, a value of 90, 0, 0 will apply a rotation of 90[deg] around x
# when computing the relative rotation between the camera and an object in the
# in the camera reference frame.
zeroing = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

# We allow to set camera parameters also using additional values. These are:
# The sensor width in mm (if not available, set to 0.0)
sensor_width =
# The camera focal lenght in mm (if not available, set to 0.0)
focal_length = 
# The camera Horizontal Field-of-View in degrees (if not available, set to 0.0) 
hfov =
# Additionally, it is possible to determin how to compute the camera setup if only
# instrinsics values are give among "fov" and "mm" (default is "mm").
intrinsics_conversion_mode = 


The render_setup namespace is used to configure how blender’s render backend behaves, or which render backend to use.

# specify which renderer to use. Usually you should leave this at
# blender-cycles. Note that, at the moment, this is hard-coded to cycles
# internally anyway.
backend = blender-cycles
# integrator (either PATH or BRANCHED_PATH)
integrator = BRANCHED_PATH
# use denoising (true, false)
denoising = True
# samples the ray-tracer uses per pixel
samples = 64
# allow occlusions of target objects (true, false)
allow_occlusions = False
# select bit size of RGB images between 8 bit and 16 bit (default)
color_depth = 16
# toggle motion blur (True, False (defualt)) during rendering. 
# Notice that, this might not heavily affect
# your render output if the rendered scene is standing still.
motion_blue = False


The debug namespace can be used to toggle debug functionatilies. For scene specific flags refer to the desider scene.

# activate debug logs and print-outs (true, false)
enabled = False


The postprocess namespace can be used to implement functionatilies during postprocess and/or after the rendering phase

# By default Blender uses a perfect pinhole camera models and its output depth maps
# contain indeed ranges (in meters saved as .exr files). For this reasons, (rectified) depth 
# maps (saved as png files) are computed during postprocessing. During generation we allow to
# select the output scale to convert range to depth. Default is 1e4 = .1mm 
depth_scale = 
# During post processing it might happen that object visibility information (which are computed
# using ray-casting) and the corresponding object mask do not correspond (ie. the mask is empty).
# This might happen due to image resolution: the visible portion of the object is not big enough
# for a single pixel. Since, for how seldom, this behavior can happen, we allow, to overwrite 
# visibility information based on the computed mask (defualt is False). 
visibility_from_mask = 
# If requested, the disparity between a set of parallel cameras can be computed. Default is False
compute_disparity = 
# Disparity is computed only on given cameras (chosen among those set in scene_setup.cameras)
parallel_cameras = []
# Disparity maps require a baseline value (in mm) between the selected cameras. Default is 0
parallel_cameras_baseline_mm =