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Simple Object Scenario

The Simple Object Scenario represent a prototypical scenario of the simplest type implemented in ABR.

For an more in depth tutorial on how to set up a very simple custom scenario refer to our tutorial on how to set up a simple custom scenario

Most of the following configurations are common to other scenarios. Hence, please refer to Base Configuration for an overview.

For the SimpleObject scenario refer to the config file config/examples/single_object_toolcap_example.cfg

# In this section we specify basic properties of the dataset

# Specify how many images should be rendered
image_count = 5

# Specify the base path where data will be written to. Note that,
# differently to more complex scenarios, e.g., see :ref:`Workstation Scenarios`,
# here there is only one configuration and one camera.
# Hence hence the base path coincides with the location where data are actually written.
base_path = $OUTDIR/SimpleToolCap-Train

# specify the scene type
scene_type = SimpleObject

# In this section we specify camera specific configurations.

# The width and height have an influence on the rendering resolution. In case
# you wish to set a specific calibration matrix that you obtained, for
# instance, from OpenCV, and do not wish to temper with the rendering
# resolution, then set these values to 0.
width = 640
height = 480

# The camera model to use. At the moment, this value is ignored in
# amira_blender_rendering. However, because all rendering is in fact done with a
# pinhole camera model, this value serves as documentation
model = pinhole

# Also this value has no impact on rendering likewise the model. However, if
# you want to specify a certain camera name for documentation purposes, this is
# the place.
name = Pinhole Camera

# You can specify the intrinsic calibration information that was determined for
# a camera, for instance with OpenCV.
# Here, we use the format
#   intrinsics = fx, fy, cx, cy
intrinsic = 9.9801747708520452e+02,9.9264009290521165e+02,6.6049856967197002e+02,3.6404286361152555e+02,0

# zeroing angles rx, ry, rz in deg to account for camera non-zero default rotation
zeroing = 0, 0, 0

# specify which renderer to use. Usually you should leave this at
# blender-cycles. Note that, at the moment, this is hard-coded to cycles
# internally anyway.
backend = blender-cycles

# integrator (either PATH or BRANCHED_PATH)
integrator = BRANCHED_PATH

# use denoising (true, false)
denoising = True

# samples the ray-tracer uses per pixel
samples = 8

# we also specify where to load environment textures from
# For this simple case, this is the only scene-specific configuration value
environment_textures = $DATA/OpenImagesV4/Images

# here we use the 'ply only' version to load objects. Fore more documentation,
# see config/workstation_scenario01_test.cfg
ToolCap =

# this scene loads a tool cap mesh. This is loaded from the corresponding mesh
ply.ToolCap = $DATA_GFX/cad/parts/tool_cap_x10.ply

# ply models often have a different scale than what is used in blender. Here, we
# have to scale down the model to match blender units (which are treated to be
# meters)
ply_scale.ToolCap = 0.001, 0.001, 0.001

# another single object to try
LetterB =
ply.LetterB = $DATA_GFX/cad/parts/B.ply
ply_scale.LetterB = 0.001, 0.001, 0.001

# here we specify the objects of interest. In the case of this demo, we are only
# interested in one part of type "tool_cap". Although this configuration option
# is not used in the backend script, it is useful to document the items that are
# part of the scenario
target_object = ToolCap
object_material = metal